In 2022 Stemm vun der Stross enabled
tonnes of food redistributed free of charge
meals, i.e. +27% compared with 2021
people supervised at 7 sites, in vocational rehabilitation workshops
free consultations offered by volunteer doctors (+7%)
people accommodated at the Schoenfels aftercare center
people rehoused through Immo Stëmm activity
people benefited from free clothing donations
different persons (-11%)
Stëmm vun der Stross encourages the social and professional integration of underprivileged but also discriminated individuals.
Appointed and concerted by the health minister, the non-profit association collaborates with the Luxembourgish Red Cross. The headquarters are located in the capital city, Luxembourg.
Stëmm vun der Stross encourages the social and professional integration of underprivileged but also discriminated individuals.
Appointed and concerted by the health minister, the non-profit association collaborates with the Luxembourgish Red Cross. The headquarters are located in the capital city, Luxembourg.
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The association is dependent on volunteers, people who are willing to give their time for a good cause. The mission of the volunteer consists to visit people in hospitals and prisons. The volunteer has to respect the ethics and sensibilities to work with vulnerable people, thus discretion and professionalism are required