Support US

In order to execute our actions successfully, we welcome every single good deed. Whether you're a company or an individual, your donation, your time or your skills can really make a difference.

Make a donation

The Stëmm can only exist through people like you and always welcomes donations.

Donations to charitable organisations are tax deductible from net income, as special expenditure, if
if they total at least 120 euros per tax year, up to a limit of 1,000,000 euros or
20% of taxable income (amended law of 4 December 1967).

or by bank transfer to the account of La Stëmm vun der Strooss LU63 0019 2100 0888 3000 at BCEE


The patronage provided by companies is essential to the well functioning of our association that is of assistance to an increasing number of unprivileged people. Your help can take different forms. By helping us financially, you give us the opportunity to improve and multiply our missions. You can also contribute in-kind support: furnishing of rooms and material for winter or the kitchen, collection of sleeping bags and blankets... we take anything. Finally, come and offer us your skills: whether you're a doctor, a craftsman, a podiatrist, a communicator, a provider of any kinds of services, we need you. Join the about ten companies that have already supported the Stëmm.


You have a great opportunity to become our regular partner and make your company’s work more humane for the world

Fiscal Deduction

Do deductions from your taxes, this will not affect your budget, it will greatly help our organization.


Even as an individual, you can make a difference. Each donation has an impact on the well-functioning of our association.

Donate clothes

Get rid of old clothes knowing that someone is in need of them. Contact:


Participate actively in the work of our organisation, your work is important


Help change someone’s life for the better. Send a mail to Marie-Paule Miton:

Subscribe to our Journal!

Help us by subscribing the bimonthly journal Stëmm vun der Strooss which is published five times a year.


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