Who are we?
Founded in 1996, the Stëmm vun der Stross (which literally translates to ‘Voice of the Street’) encourages the social and professional integration of underprivileged but also discriminated individuals. Appointed and concerted by the health minister, the non-profit association collaborates with the Luxembourgish Red Cross. The headquarters are located in the capital city, Luxembourg. In 2004, the city of Esch-sur-Alzette additionally offered premises, which enabled the establishment of a second restaurant. Furthermore, the workshop for social reintegration called Schweesdreps is also located in the second-largest city of Luxembourg. During the year of 2014, the Stëmm vun der Stross was able to open new branches in Hollerich, Schoenfels, Tétange and Belvaux. The association mainly supports people who are homeless, unemployed, living on a minimum wage, ex-criminals, asylum seekers, immigrants and people who suffer from addictions such as alcoholism, drugs and medication.
In 2015 Stemm vun der Stross enabled:
- 45 722 served meals in the social restaurant of Hollerich and 27 524 served meals in the second premise in Esch-sur-Alzette, which is a total of 73 246 served meals;
- 148 tons of free redistributed food products;
- 526 medical consultations;
- 270 individuals who are coached in our workshops of professional reintegration;29 re-accommodated individuals within the activity and offered service of Immo Stëmm;