Stëmm Caddy
After the relocation of the social restaurant and other services of the association in Hollerich, the building in Bonnevoie has been renovated and transformed.
Due to the generous support of the Health department and other donations, the Stëmm has introduced a workshop for professional integration. Stëmm Caddy. 20 individuals are part of this project and are supported by 2 full-time social workers.
The sponsorship between the supermarket franchise Auchan and the Stëmm is maintained since 2009.
This support enables the association to recuperate and distribute tons of free food products that would have been wasted otherwise. Auchan actually guarantees and provides fresh food daily, however the supermarket giant does not want to waste food and rather donates it. Before the collaboration with the Stëmm; Auchan had the tendency to through the food away or at least recycle it. Initially between 2009 and 2014, the Stëmm was only able to recuperate a certain amount of products due to inadequate equipment, which was then used in the social restaurant in Bonnevoie.
We are happy to announce that this has changed since February 2014.
The 20 individuals that had been integrated into this project have different tasks: the drivers that collect the donated food are chosen by the association. On the same day, the food is made into sandwiches, soup and all kinds of fruit juices. 300 food boxes that are eventually distributed contain all sorts of healthy foods, such as fruit and milk products.
Finally, these foods are distributed to on the sites of the Stëmm in Hollerich, Esch-sur-Alzette; Schoenfels and the Schweessdrëps; Additionally the food is distributed in social institutions like for example the DROP, a save haven for individuals who prostitute themselves.
The project has been launched in February 2014 in April and May to other similar organizations that distribute food to people, such as the Red Cross, Caritas and the food bank. Caddy is now officially part of such services.
The majority of people; such as the homeless, for example are often not provided appropriately to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Therefore it is imperative to offer food to those who cannot provide it for themselves.
Finally, it is important to inform our supporters that the numbers for the Caddy project have increased by 43 people every day since January 2014, according to the annual report.